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Lillian A

Lillian faced a difficult situation when her father passed away just before her Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE examinations. Despite promises from high profile local politicians during her father's funeral to support her education at Alliance Girls High school, these promises were not fulfilled.

Fortunately, Nyashep became aware of Lillian's situation and intervened just in time to save her chance at Alliance Girls. An American from Frederick, Maryland- DC, Dr. Mary Bowman Krhum and family who were visiting Kenya at the time and guided by the trust's founding director, played a crucial role in helping Lillian.

The congregation at Unitarian Universalist of Frederick Maryland -Washington DC- led by Dr. Mary, stepped in to provide support for Lillian's education. Lillian's hard work paid off, as she qualified to study Medicine and surgery at Moi University in Kenya and completed her internship in Cairo.

She graduated in 2018 and is now a practicing Medical doctor in Kenya, saving lives. This success story is a testament to Lillian's resilience and the support she received from Dr. Mary Krhum and the Unitarian Congregation of Frederick, Maryland DC.

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