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Shanice O

Mary and Ned from Panama supported Shanice's high school and college education through Nyashep as the parents could not afford the fees.

Shanice attended Kenya High school and actively participated in Nyashep programs during high school and college years. While waiting to join Moi University after high school, the sponsors through Nyashep equipped her with a new laptop and supported her to enroll for introductory computer packages as well as completing part one of Cisco System analysis studies at Strathmore University.

Shanice sponsors traveled all the way from Panama to visit the family home in Kendu Bay to better understand her background. She graduated from Moi University in 2018 with Information Science.

She was later to say that the short-term courses she was supported to take greatly helped her in job placement. She now works as a senior management consultant at one of the Big 4 companies in Kenya.

Congratulations to Shanice, and many thanks to Mary and Ned, her sponsors.

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